We need your help!
The Village of Calumet is in the process of updating the Master Plan for the next 5 years. A Master Plan is a long-range planning document that guides development patterns, regulations, and land use policies over the next decade. When critical issues are presented to Village decision-makers they consult the Master Plan to inform their decision. Therefore, this survey has a profound impact on the future of the Village. Given the importance of the Master Plan, it is essential to get input from the community on the direction of the plan to ensure that when the Master Plan is completed it is a reflection of the values and wishes of the community. The following survey about the Master Plan is estimated to take roughly 20 minutes. Please feel free to share the survey link with everyone in your household, as well as other members of the community. Should you have trouble with the online survey, please contact Village Hall at (906) 337-1713 to request a hard copy. Comments are closed.
February 2025